Film Review: The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn (part 1)
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(source: OfficialTwilightFilm)
I saw The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (part 1) and thought it was okay. No, actually, it was disappointing. Not that I expected anything out of it. It just wasn't as good as the 3rd movie or the previous 3 Twilight movies (see my previous reviews of Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse). While it's been a while since I last read (which I've only read it once too) the 4th and last book from the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn, I still remember not enjoying the first half of the novel. It was already complicated and complex enough and I thought it'll be interesting how they'll translate it to the big screen. I certainly did not enjoy those scenes with Bella & Edward after they got married, honeymoon, and found out she was expecting...not what I expected when I read the novel, lol...but really it just looked too painful and just plain excruciating to see Kristen Stewart play her newlywed lead character Bella Swann Cullen turned into an unexpected pregnant young woman, who looked sickly for most of the film. She just does not look believable in the part (she never was from the very beginning), in my opinion. While she was tolerable to watch in the previous 3 films, she was not in this film. Robert Pattinson as the love of her life and her new husband Edward Cullen, on the other hand was at least still one of the few characters in this film (and in the book) that I still enjoyed watching as well as the members of his Cullen family including Alice Cullen played by the lovely Ashley Greene.
This film of course, had to end in a cliffhanger, which was typically expected. It was predictable and of course, they had to end it the way they did to resume for part 2 of the final movie of the series. It would've been nice if they just kept it as just a one whole movie instead of copying Harry Potter's final 2-part films of its long series of films. Of course, Summit did it for the same reason that they'll make more money for the final 2-part Breaking Dawn films from the Twilight fans who have been seeing this franchise's sequels (good or not) and making them more money in the box-office.
Overall, this movie was just okay and not something I'd recommend to anyone who are not fans of the series (even those who are/were, I heard were not as excited as when the first movie came out) or want to see again even on DVD or Netflix. Just one time is enough. Even that, I almost didn't make it through the cliffhanger. I just didn't enjoy this film (as sequels to Twilight series, oddly, seems to deteriorate as it gets closer to its end). I mostly watched it just to see how the visuals will show the end of this Twilight series. Honestly, I enjoyed reading the books more than I enjoyed watching the films. While, I liked the first Twilight movie and the third one, Eclipse. This and New Moon are my least favorite from the sequels. If I haven't read the books and enjoyed them as I did, I probably wouldn't have bothered watching the films, but I did because I still wanted to see (visually) how this series ends in these final 2-part films. I will, most likely see part 2 just to see how they show the ending for this series.
My The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (part 1) film rating: ! (6/10; C-)
This film of course, had to end in a cliffhanger, which was typically expected. It was predictable and of course, they had to end it the way they did to resume for part 2 of the final movie of the series. It would've been nice if they just kept it as just a one whole movie instead of copying Harry Potter's final 2-part films of its long series of films. Of course, Summit did it for the same reason that they'll make more money for the final 2-part Breaking Dawn films from the Twilight fans who have been seeing this franchise's sequels (good or not) and making them more money in the box-office.
Overall, this movie was just okay and not something I'd recommend to anyone who are not fans of the series (even those who are/were, I heard were not as excited as when the first movie came out) or want to see again even on DVD or Netflix. Just one time is enough. Even that, I almost didn't make it through the cliffhanger. I just didn't enjoy this film (as sequels to Twilight series, oddly, seems to deteriorate as it gets closer to its end). I mostly watched it just to see how the visuals will show the end of this Twilight series. Honestly, I enjoyed reading the books more than I enjoyed watching the films. While, I liked the first Twilight movie and the third one, Eclipse. This and New Moon are my least favorite from the sequels. If I haven't read the books and enjoyed them as I did, I probably wouldn't have bothered watching the films, but I did because I still wanted to see (visually) how this series ends in these final 2-part films. I will, most likely see part 2 just to see how they show the ending for this series.
My The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (part 1) film rating: ! (6/10; C-)